Jack of All Trades, Master of Some

Hello Loves!

My name is EmmyLou, and I’m a self taught baker. I’ve always loved being creative and art, (I come from a very artistic family) but I found a true passion in baking and cake decorating. I first started way back in 2003, when I was in third grade… the time really flies. I fell in love immediately, and that was the beginning fo my journey.

I took every class I could, and had a really supportive family who encouraged me every step of the way. I began to bake for family and friends, church functions, social occasions, and even had a few paying gigs by the time I was in middle school and high school. When I was in 11th grade I decided I wanted to go professional. I printed out a few pictures and my parents helped me create a portfolio. I walked into a local grocery store and told them they needed to hire me as a cake decorator. I was immediately told no, but I refused to take that for an answer. With encouragement from my parents I boldly walked up to the bakery manager and handed him my portfolio. Heart in my throat I watched at he flipped through my work. I was hired that day.

I worked at that store for many years, for the rest of my time in high school and then on my breaks from college. I became trusted enough that when the head decorator, Debbie, was on vacation, I took over as head cake decorator. They took me on trips, to cake decorating events, and I learned so much from Debbie. I was even inspired to apply to become an instructor.

Soon enough I was teaching the very courses that ignited my passion back in 2003. I was even teaching at the same craft store that I learned. I was only in college but I was a certified Wilton cake decorating instructor, and I wore that purple apron with pride. I taught every class I could, I just wanted to share my passion. I loved seeing the faces of my students when they looked at what they were able to create. I even was asked to teach a few classes at a local community college, one revered for its culinary program.

But my education took me on a different path. I loved cake decorating but had a passion for helping people. So I went to graduate school and had to move to a different state. I decided to put myself out there once again and walked into a grocery store. I announced that I was a cake decorator and that I wanted to work in the bakery. This time I was put to the test and had to decorate a cake in front of the managers. Again, I was hired that day and worked at that store for a couple years as I was finishing my masters degree.

My life took me down a different path and soon I found myself as a first responder. I quit my job at the grocery store and began my new career. I left cake decorating behind, let my instructor certification lapse, and moved forward. But my passion for cake decorating never died, although the flame was reduced to embers for awhile.

Recently however, I’ve been on a path of self discovery and healing, as corny and cliché as that may sound. I love being a first responder, I love being the person that someone calls when they need help, and I wouldn’t give it up for the world. But it’s draining, seeing what I see every day. I found myself lost in my career and felt like I was slowly losing what made me… me.

This blog, this journey I’m on is a step on a long path to rediscover myself, reignite my passions and pour some gasoline on those embers. Cake decorating was a release for me, it was calming and therapeutic. I hope to share my passion with anyone who is willing to take the time out of their day to read a small town girl’s ramblings. Maybe, and I truly hope this is the case, maybe I can inspire someone to try something they thought they couldn’t do before.

Finally, wrapping up this first ever post… I would be remiss if I didn’t take the time to mention those who took a chance on me.

  • My parents and family, without you I would have never gotten my start
  • George, my first manager who took a chance on a high school student with a binder of pictures
  • And Debbie, my first mentor. You took me under your wing when you didn’t have to. I’m forever grateful